Keep on breaking through!
Lalita Music School Showcase is a graded performance where students will perform in front of a small audience; students, parents, and jury. During the showcase, students will received live critics and directed to try some adjustment to correct their playing/singing technique and stage performance. Students will received their grade and comments after each showcase and use it as a goal for their next performance.
Showcase will be held on Term 1 and Term 2. All students are encourage to join the showcase to set a goal for their music learning and as an opportunity for them to practice their performance for Annual Concerts, Musical Theater Productions, Auditions and Exams.
Get Ready!
Your teacher will assist you in preparing a 2-5 minute performance with songs tailored to your abilities. Dive into the story behind each song and deliver a memorized introduction to the audience for a richer performance experience.
This Showcase also serves as a platform for our teachers to exchange insights, working towards our shared goal of nurturing successful and well-rounded students!